
 Author Title Volume (Date)
Nisbet, S M Financing the Early Cotton Industry in theWest of Scotland
 24 (2008)
Nisbet, S M Newmill: An Early Scottish Cotton Mill  11-13 (1990)
Osborne, B D Dumbarton Shipbuilders and Workers Housing, 1850-1900  3.1 (1980)
Payne, P L The Genesis and Infancy of the Business Archives of Scotland  7.1 (1984)
Phillips, J Energy and Industrial Politics in the UK: the Miners’ Strikes of 1972, 1974 and 1984-5  25 (2009)
Powell, David Surveying the Survey: The Role and Activities of the BACS surveying Officer in 2007  24 (2008)
Powell, David Surveying Officer’s Report 2008-9 25 (2009)
Quail, G The Millroad Street Pottery Calton: The Background – Thomas Wyse and his Stoneware Shop, 1799-1814  18 (1996)
Rankin, F Business Broadly Conceived: Report of the BACS Surveying Officer 1994-1995  18 (1996)
Reid, Elspeth Falkirk Museums History Research Centre  18 (1996)
Reid, Elspeth William Forbes of Callendar: business man and landowner  19 (1999)
Ritchie, A John Tumbull and the Hercules Engine 3.1 (1980)
Ritchie, A The Companies Index of the National Register Of Archives  10.1&2 (1987)
Russell, I Randolph Wemyss and the Development of Methill as a Coal Port  5.2 (1982)
Russell, I & Dixon, G Some Notes on ‘Concrete Bob’ McAlpine  9.1&2 (1986)
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