60th Anniversary Films

These three films were created in 2020 to mark the 60th anniversary of the Business Archives Council of Scotland (BACS). The films feature committee members, archivists, academics and students. With thanks to the individuals and organisations who took part in the filming. The Ballast Trust, Diageo Plc, HarperCollins Publishers, Lloyds Banking Group, The University of Aberdeen and The University of Glasgow.

Our BACS anniversary films were created by Ewan Stewart of Prickly Thistle Video.

History of BACS

This film reflects on the community that BACS has created, how it has changed since the Council was established in 1960 and looks ahead to the future.

What are Business Archives?

This film explores the types of records held by Business Archives and the different ways they can be used by a business or external researchers.

Business Archive Collections 

This film discussing some key business archive collections and the types of records and objects held within them.

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