
Author Title Volume (Date)
 Walker, B  Scottish Buildings for Meat and Fish Preservation: a Preliminary Survey  5.1 (1982)
 Walker, Hugh  The Rise and Fall of Dunfermline Linen  16 (1993)
 Weir, R B  Scotch on the Records  20 (2000)
 Whatley, C A  The Ayrshire Salt Industry c.1707-1879  1.3 (1977)
 Whatley, C A  Scottish Salt Marketing in the 18th Century: a Regional Survey  5.2 (1982)
 Whatley, Patricia  ‘Ports & Shipping’ An account of the Third Joan Auld Memorial Training Day 1998  19 (1999)
 White, B M  The Ayrshire Boot and Shoe Industry, 1839-1939  7.2 (1984)
 Whitehead, Margaret  Albert Brown and the Development of Trade between Clydeside and Japan  19 (1999)
 Whittaker, Carol  Industrial Heritage – Scotland  8.1 (1985)
 Wilbraham, Kevin P  Sir James Lumsden of Arden and the American Civil War  16 (1993)
 Wilbraham, Kevin P  Canals, Insurance and the Scottish Council: Report of the BACS Surveying Officer 1992-1993  16 (1993)
 Wilbraham, Kevin P  Harbours, Whisky and Advertising: Report of the BACS Surveying Officer 1993-1994  17 (1994)
 Wilkinson, Vicki  The Royal Bank of Scotland  16 (1993)
 Wilson, G  Day-Level Drainage in Eighteenth Century Fife Coal Mines  2.1 (1978)
 Wilson, G  ‘Contrary to Approved Practice of Colleries’: The Drainage of Fife Pits by Hand  8.2 (1985)
 Wood, A  The Law and Our Heritage  8.2 (1985)
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