Corporate Connections: Digital Preservation in Business Archives (January 2023)

Corporate Connections: Digital Preservation in Business Archives (January 2023)

This first Corporate Connections event of 2023 was led by Jenny Mitcham of the Digital Preservation Coalition and Gemma Evans from the National Library of Wales and ARCW, who discussed Digital Preservation in a Business Archive context.

Jenny Mitcham has been working in the field of digital preservation for 20 years and is currently Head of Good Practice and Standards at the Digital Preservation Coalition. In this role she has been working closely with the members of the Coalition on their digital preservation challenges, as well as organising events and producing publications and resources to help move the community forward with digital preservation.

Gemma Evans is currently working for the National Library of Wales as a Digital Preservation Project Manager. She previously worked with the Library and ARCW on a project which included a survey of records keeping among small businesses in Wales. The survey helped to highlight a lack of targeted support for the sector which the DPC’s guidance has now successfully redressed

Jenny and Gemma recently worked with colleagues at the Archives and Records Council Wales (ARCW) on a digital preservation guide for small businesses.

The advice contained within this introductory guide focuses on common sense management of digital information and highlights actions that those working in small businesses can incorporate into their day-to-day working practices in order to have greater confidence in their ability to manage and preserve the valuable information that they hold.

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