
The 2023 AGM for the Business Archives Council of Scotland took place on Friday 8th December 2023. This event was held at the National Library of Scotland and included a tour of their Treasures exhibition. Papers were circulated beforehand and are available below: 2023 AGM Agenda2022 AGM...

The Business Archives Council of Scotland and the Business Archive Council Scotland held a joint HYBRID conference on the 8th November 2023 at the HSBC Head Office in Canary Wharf in London. The event was entitled The Digital Everyday: Tools for Digital Preservation and Access.....

Our July Business Bites event focused on discussing, capturing and showcasing diverse voices within Business Archive Collections We heard from two archivists working in different business on the same topic. How do we capture and showcase the diverse voices found within the collections we are for? Dawn Stewart discussed the theme of collecting diverse voices from within The...

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