
The Business Archives Council of Scotland’s 2014 conference was organised in association with Archives and Records Association (ARA) Scotland in Glasgow on Thursday 20th November 2014 at the University of Glasgow. The theme of the day was records at risk and it explored threats to...

The third Meet the Archivists event was held in Glasgow on 31st October 2014 at the University of Strathclyde in the Scottish Oral History Centre. This event focused on the use of business archives for genealogical research, including oral history archives. It gave attendees an...

The second Meet the Archivists event was held in Edinburgh on Friday 20th September 2013 at the Edinburgh College of Art. The aim of our Meet the Archivists events is to bring together academics and archivists to discuss and explore with students how business archive...

‌The first Meet the Archivists event was held in Glasgow on Friday 9th November 2012 at the Centre for Business History. The aim of our Meet the Archivists events is to bring together academics and archivists to discuss and explore with students how business archive...

The Business Archives Council of Scotland’s 2011 conference was organised in association with ARA Scotland and held in Dundee on Friday 25th November 2011 at the University of Dundee. The theme was Financial Records and it aimed to introduce members of both organisations to the records...

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